當期課號 | 1731 | Course Number | 1731 |
授課教師 | 曾兆堂 | Instructor | TSENG,CHAO TANG |
中文課名 | 工業會計 | Course Name | Industrial Accounting |
開課單位 | 工業工程與管理系(四日)一B | Department | |
修習別 | 必修 | Required/Elective | Required |
學分數 | 3 | Credits | 3 |
課程目標 | 此課程目的是使學生能夠應用數學於會計問題,並學會交易的記錄和財務報表。 | Objectives | The purposes of this course are to make students apply mathematics in accounting problems and to let them learn recording transaction and financial statements. |
教材 | 1. 謝文雀,行銷管理--亞洲觀點,華泰文化,台北,2007。 2. Kotler et al., Marketing Management--An Asian Perspective, fourth edition, Prentice Hall:Singapore, 2006. |
Teaching Materials | 1. 謝文雀,行銷管理--亞洲觀點,華泰文化,台北,2007。 2. Kotler et al., Marketing Management--An Asian Perspective, fourth edition, Prentice Hall:Singapore, 2006. |
成績評量方式 | 出席 (10%) 小考(40%)(4次) 期中報告(20%) 期末考(30%) |
Grading | Attendance (10%) Quizzes (40%)(4 times) Mid-Term Report (20%) Final Exam. (30%) |
教師網頁 | http://lms.ctl.cyut.edu.tw/index.php | ||
教學內容 | 行銷管理的內容,依序分為瞭解行銷管理、掌握行銷洞悉、連結顧客、建立強勢品牌、形成產品策略、傳遞價值、溝通價值等七大部份,教學內容涵蓋了一個行銷管理者,在執行策略、戰術與管理性行銷活動的必須瞭解的主題。 | Syllabus | Marketing managment is designed to train students to understand marketing management, capture marketing insights, connect with customers, build strong brands, shape the market offerings, delivere value, and communicate value. The context of this program covrs all the topics an informed marketing manager needs to understand to carry out strategic, tactical, and administrative marketing. |