朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Building Code 建築法規

當期課號 1700 Course Number 1700
授課教師 伍勝民 Instructor WU,SHENG MIN
中文課名 建築法規 Course Name Building Code
開課單位 營建工程系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 藉由建築相關法令之授課及解說,使學生了解建築設計於實際營建過程中所需考量之相關規範及限制情形,進一步輔助建築設計符合社會需求,促進環境健全發展。主要內容:1.建築法2.建築法規體系3.建築師法規位階及適用 4.建築行政管理5.建築物公共安全6.山坡地建築管理。 Objectives This course will explore the related architectural laws such as architecture law, Architecture law systems, law rankings and law applications, architecture administrations, architectural public safety and architecture management of mountainside lands, and others. Case studies involving real projects will be conducted. The purpose of the course is to provide students with understanding the related laws and limitations during building process, to assist the design to fit the social practice needs and to accelerate a sound environment.
教材 1.建築法規,賀士鹿,實力圖書
Teaching Materials 1.建築法規,賀士鹿,實力圖書
成績評量方式 平常成績(含上課精神與出席率)(30%) 期中考(30%) 期末考(40%) Grading 1.homework, participation and attenance (30%) 2.mid term (30%) 3. final exam. (40%)
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~ccchiu/teach.html
教學內容 1.建築工程基本知識及技術。。
3.建築相關法規,主要內容:1.建築法2.建築法規體系3.建築師法規位階及適用 4.建築行政管理5.建築物公共安全6.山坡地建築管理。 。
Syllabus 1.technique and management of architecture
2.introduction to architecture law
3.law related to architecture Engineering. The purpose of the course is to provide students with understanding the related laws and limitations during building process, to assist the design to fit the social practice needs and to accelerate a sound environment.