朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction to Earthquake Eng. 地震工程概論

當期課號 1691 Course Number 1691
授課教師 張子修 Instructor CHANG,TZYY SHIOU
中文課名 地震工程概論 Course Name Introduction to Earthquake Eng.
開課單位 營建工程系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 "提供營建工程領域之高年級學生瞭解地震的成因及其對建築物及土工結構物損害後果,並從設計規範上探討耐震設計的基本原理,以作為營建工程專業上之應用以及區域地震防災救災之依據。使學生能夠瞭解 a. 地震成因及後果。 b. 地震對上部結構及基礎之影響。 c. 大地地震工程。 d. 結構物耐震設計。 e. 地震防災評估與防治。" Objectives The objective of this course is to make the students understand how does earthquake happen, what kinds of damage can be done by an earthquake and the concepts of earthquake resistance design by the regulations of building codes. Topics covered in this course include: introduction to the origin of earthquakes; influences of earthquake on structures and foundations; geotechnical aspects of earthquake engineering; earthquake resistance design of structures; evaluation and prevention of damages caused by an earthquake.
教材 Earthquake Resistant Design by D.J. Dowrick、 Vibration of Soil and Foundations by Richart、建築防災措施(台灣營建研究所) Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 作業及出席率20% 小考及報告20% 期中考30% 期末考30% Grading Homework & Study attitudes 20% Test & Report 20% Mid & Final exams 30%*2=60%
教師網頁 tschang@cyut.edu.tw
教學內容 一、地震成因及後果二、地震對上部結構及基礎之影響三、大地地震工程四、結構物耐震設計五、地震災害評估與防治 Syllabus 1.Cause of Earthquake and consequency.2.Effect of Earthquake on upper and Lower Structure.3.Geotechnical Engineering.
4.Earthquake Resistant Design.5.seismic hazard mitigation