當期課號 | 1638 | Course Number | 1638 |
授課教師 | 林永強 | Instructor | Lin,Yung Chaing |
中文課名 | 物理(ㄧ) | Course Name | Physics(I) |
開課單位 | 營建工程系(四日)一A | Department | |
修習別 | 必修 | Required/Elective | Required |
學分數 | 3 | Credits | 3 |
課程目標 | 本課程著重與土木工程相關之古典物理學領域之基本介紹與探討。主要內容包括;基本物理概念與數學工具,力學、波動現象、流體、材料與光學等主要物理現象之理論介紹。 | Objectives | This first-year course is intended to teach students fundamental theories associated with the Classical Physics. The contents of this course include basic concepts and mathematical skills used in Physics and breif introduction to Mechanics, Waves, Fluids, Materials and Optics. |
教材 | Principles of Physics, Serway & Jewett, 2002 中譯本:呂正中等譯,滄海書局 |
Teaching Materials | Any textbook, e.g. Principles of Physics, Serway & Jewett, 2002 |
成績評量方式 | 作業 15% 實驗報告 25% 期中考 25% 期末考 25% 課堂表現 10±5% |
Grading | homework 15% Experimental Report 25% midterm exam 25% final exam 25% participation and attenance 10% |
教師網頁 | http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~cpyu | ||
教學內容 | 教導學生對基礎古典物理學有基本的瞭解 主要內容包括:運動,力量,功與能,碰撞,圓周運動平衡概念,基本靜力學,基本彈性力學波動,聲音 |
Syllabus | It is intended in course to teach students basic classical mechanics involving Motion, Mechanics, Work and Energy, Equilibrium, Sound and Vibrations. The lextures of this course would be emphasized on assisting students to understand instead of instructing them with comprehensive derivations of theories and mathematical works. |