朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Enterprise Seminar II - Biochemical Science and Technology 企業講座(生化科技類)

當期課號 1626 Course Number 1626
授課教師 劉敏信 Instructor LIU,MIN HSIN
中文課名 企業講座(生化科技類) Course Name Enterprise Seminar II - Biochemical Science and Technology
開課單位 理工學院(四日) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本課程主要是邀請業界講師,提供在校學生對不同產業的了解,以提升學生就業選擇及競爭力。 Objectives The purpose of this course aims to help students increase the understanding of various industries as to improve their choices and competition in future career by the invited Speeker from industries and Business.
教材 以講師的演講用ppt 檔案作為學生的教材
Teaching Materials The major materail of this course will be the Power Point data from each speakers. and the references which students checked will be the materials for learning.
成績評量方式 以每次的心得報告為主,除聽講的心得報告外,同學對講師所查詢的參考資料也是評量的參考 Grading the grade will depend on the reports after eash speech. and the reference which students checked for the speech will be the extra point for the grading.
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~ckjow
教學內容 主要是邀請學界及工業界的講師,以演講的方式,傳授講師們的研究及經驗,希望藉此講座課程可以使學生對化學的研究及生涯的歸規劃有更佳的認識. Syllabus This course will invite at least eight speekers from acadamic and industrial. Students will learn the experience of the speakers in both research and practical knowledge. This will help students have better design for their career.