朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Special Topics: Enterprise Program (4) 企業學程專題(四)

當期課號 1620 Course Number 1620
授課教師 鄭宗明 Instructor CHENG,TZONG MING
中文課名 企業學程專題(四) Course Name Special Topics: Enterprise Program (4)
開課單位 理工學院(四日) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 1. 組織與培育同學企業化新材料或新產品開發人才。

2. 提升同學專業能力,提供發展領導統御與企業化之機會。
Objectives 1.Organize and train students in enterprise associated with creating new materials or new product.

2.Facilitate student to professional ability and provide opportunities to develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills.
教材 隨堂講義 Teaching Materials handouts
成績評量方式 書面報告 30%
出席率 10%
實作品質 30%
敬業精神 30%
Grading Written report 30%
Attendance 10%
Work quality 30%
Professionalism 30%
教學內容 本專題屬大三下學期之企業學程專題實習, 實習內容包括以下幾項: 實務參訪,專案製作,專家演說,訓練課程等,依據指導老師指派進行。 Syllabus This course will grade the second-half term project for the enterprise program junior members. The evaluation is on the industry visits, project performance, expert speech, and/or training courses, depending on the assignments.