朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Strategic Marketing 策略行銷

當期課號 1608 Course Number 1608
授課教師 陳玄愷 Instructor CHEN,SHUAN KAI
中文課名 策略行銷 Course Name Strategic Marketing
開課單位 行銷與流通管理系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1. 介紹商業策略與市場管理的基本概念
2. 具備策略分析與策略內容及其執行等之能力
3. 扮演在市場導向策略與績效角色時所具備之態度
4. 執行效率性的市場導向策略,使擁有並持續其競爭優勢
Objectives This course is designed to help students to achieve the following objectives:
1. the introduction to the basic concept of business strategy and market management
2. to have the ability to analyse and conduct strategies
3. to have a professional attitude for market-oriented strategies and performance
4. to carry out efficient market-oriented strategies and sustain the competitive advantage
教材 策略行銷 第八版;陳智凱 編譯;2007年/ 平裝 / 528頁;高立圖書有限公司/普林斯頓國際股份有限公司出版 Teaching Materials Strategic Marketing, 8e;David W. Cravens, Nigel F. Piercy
成績評量方式 出席率:20%
Grading Attendance : 20%
Participation & Discussion: 10%
Mid-term Examination: 30%
Final Group Project (Report + Presentation): 40%
教師網頁 http://www.marketing.cyut.edu.tw/ContentDetail.aspx?mid=teacher&cid=65&NewsID=14
教學內容 本課程包含策略行銷管理的三大主題,第一個主題介紹策略行銷的基礎觀念;第二個主題為策略行銷規劃;第三個主題則為策略行銷組合:產品、定價、配銷、促銷加上服務行銷的3P。
Syllabus This course includes 3 major topics in strategic marketing management. The first topic introduces the basic concept of Strategic Marketing. The next mentions Strategy Marketing Planning. The third topic discusses the strategic marketing mix.
Teaching methods may involve a mixture of lectures and practical exercises in tutorials (including video studies, group competitions, and case studies).