當期課號 |
1606 |
Course Number |
1606 |
授課教師 |
陳文國 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
行銷與流通管理資訊系統 |
Course Name |
Marketing & Distribution Information System |
開課單位 |
行銷與流通管理系(四日)三A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
3 |
Credits |
3 |
課程目標 |
1.清楚行銷策略及資訊科技及顧客關係管理的知識 2.能瞭解顧客關係管理本質與要件之應用能力 3.具有蒐集市場、產業、消費者現況的基本能力 4.統計、數理基礎與電腦使用能力並應用在行銷、流通與連鎖企業管理領域 5.將所學運用於工作中,並不斷學習行銷與流通相關資訊知識之能力 |
Objectives |
1.Understanding marketing strategies, the concepts of information systems and customer relationship management. 2.Understanding the nature of CRM and the skills of applied capabilities. 3.To train students to have the basic skills in knowing markets, industries, and consumers. 4.To train students to have the basic skills of statistics, mathematics, and using computers and to apply the skills to marketing, distribution, and Chain Enterprises. 5.To apply the skills to further tasks and to continue learning concepts of marketing and distribution. |
教材 |
1. 教師自編教材(行銷管理、網路行銷、行銷資訊系統個案、流通資訊系統個案) |
Teaching Materials |
1. Lecture’s notes and cases |
成績評量方式 |
1. 出席率 10% 2. 上課參與度 20% 3. 期中報告(個案討論) 30% 4. 期末報告 50% |
Grading |
1. Attendance (10%) 2. Participation and Discussion (20%) 3. Case Studies (30%) 4. Final Group Project (50%) |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
1.講授行銷管理、網路行銷與資訊系統概念。 2. 小組個案報告與討論 |
Syllabus |
1. Teaching the concepts of (e-)marketing management and information systems. 2. Case Studies and Discussion |