朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Internship 校外實習

當期課號 1552 Course Number 1552
授課教師 李素箱 Instructor LEE,SU SHIANG
中文課名 校外實習 Course Name Internship
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(四日)三B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 10 Credits 10
課程目標 1. 使學生能熟悉休閒產業所需具備之管理服務技能
2. 使學生具備休閒產業之營運能力
3. 使學生具備與工作伙伴互動合作能力
Objectives 1、Developing the “sandwich teaching model”
2、To be family with the operation and practical procedure of graphic design work, by involving the corporations
3、To survey the training result in the school, and plan the advance learning programs
教材 學生校外實習手冊 Teaching Materials internship brochure
成績評量方式 1.實習單位評分
Grading 1. work performance evaluation
2. written report
教學內容 藉由企業實習與報告纂寫建構同學理論與實務經營管理能力。 Syllabus Students taking this course should remain the internship for at least 400 hours during the summer vacation. . After the semester starts, the students hand out the experience the instructor. The grading is made by both the instructor and the hiring companies.