朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Sport Tourism and Sport Event Management 運動觀光與賽會管理

當期課號 1551 Course Number 1551
授課教師 張君如 Instructor CHANG,CHUN JU
中文課名 運動觀光與賽會管理 Course Name Sport Tourism and Sport Event Management
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1. 瞭解運動觀光和運動賽會管理的相關理論。

2. 強調運動觀光和運動賽會管理的專業倫理與工作態度

3. 透過分組報告,強化學生口語表達與與溝通協調能力

4. 藉由個案討論,培養學生兼具自主學習與國際視野的能力
Objectives 1. To understand the theory of sport tourism and sport event management.

2. To emphasize the ethics and professional attitude of sport tourism and sport event management.

3. To enhance students’ abilities of oral presentation and communication through group project.

4. To cultivate students’ abilities of active learning and international view through the case study and discussion.
教材 葉公鼎(2009)大型運動賽會管理, 華都 Teaching Materials Yeh, K.T.(2009).Mega sport events management.Taipei:Far Du Publishing Co., Ltd.
成績評量方式 出席:10%
Grading attendance:10%
planning and evaluation:30%
case report:40%
aparticipation and discussion: 20%
教學內容 一 運動賽會的組織規劃與管理
二 運動觀光
運動觀光發展模式, 運動觀光的策略與規劃, 城市行銷和活動行銷, 個案討論
Syllabus 1. planning and management of sport event(competition management, stadium management, logistics management, marketing and sponsorship management, public relation and media services, humana resources, risk amangement. benefit evaluation)
2. sport tourism (modles of sport toourism development, planning of sport tourism, city marketing and event marketing, case discussion)