當期課號 | 1543 | Course Number | 1543 |
授課教師 | 李宜玲 | Instructor | LI,YI LING |
中文課名 | 專業英文一 | Course Name | English in Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism(一) |
開課單位 | 休閒事業管理系(四日)三A | Department | |
修習別 | 必修 | Required/Elective | Required |
學分數 | 0 | Credits | 0 |
課程目標 | 1.幫助同學知曉休閒產業職場專有語彙與各種作業情境的常用會話 (知識) 2.幫助學生練習將知曉專有語彙與各種作業情境的常用會話正確表達(技能) 3.藉由情境演練角色扮演,練習語言的流暢度之外並建構同學適切的專業態度(態度) 4.可做為學生未來管理相關學科進修之基礎(其他) |
Objectives | 1.Leisure industry knowledge to help students work with a wide range of vocabulary homework proprietary common conversational situations (knowledge) 2.Practice will be known to assist students with a variety of proprietary vocabulary homework right context to express the common session (skills) 3.Situation by role-playing exercises to practice the language outside of fluency and construction of major relevance Student attitude (attitude) 4.Students can be used as future management of basic education related disciplines (other) |
教材 | 教科書:English for International Tourism - Miriam Jacob & Peter Strutt-敦煌書局 參考書 : 1. Highly recommended - English for the hotel and catering industry - Rad Revell & Trish Stott- Oxford University Press(敦煌書局代理) 2. English for Travel - John Eastwood - Oxford Univ. Press. 3. International restaurant English - Leila Keane -敦煌代理 4. International hotel English - Donald Adamson - 敦煌代理 5. At your service - English for the travel and tourism English - Trish Stott - 敦煌代理 6. High Season - English for the hotel and Tourisnm English - Keith Harding - 敦煌代理 7.reservation confirmed -- 敦煌代理 |
Teaching Materials | |
成績評量方式 | 出席狀況:10% 上課表現:10% 模擬演練: 40% 期中考: 20% 期末考: 20% |
Grading | attendance:10% discussion involvement:10% role play : 40% mid term exam.: 20% final exam.: 20% |
教師網頁 | http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~yiling/ | ||
教學內容 | 觀光旅遊英語會話 餐廳英語會話 旅館英語會話 主題單元講授 情境模擬角色演練 |
Syllabus | This course is planned to help students to prepare for a career in the hospitality industry, each unit focuses on a particular job in a hotel or restaurant or other particualr tourism industry and present useful language for a real working situation. |