朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
English in Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism(一) 專業英文一

當期課號 1543 Course Number 1543
授課教師 李宜玲 Instructor LI,YI LING
中文課名 專業英文一 Course Name English in Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism(一)
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 0 Credits 0
課程目標 1.幫助同學知曉休閒產業職場專有語彙與各種作業情境的常用會話 (知識)
Objectives 1.Leisure industry knowledge to help students work with a wide range of vocabulary homework proprietary common conversational situations (knowledge)
2.Practice will be known to assist students with a variety of proprietary vocabulary homework right context to express the common session (skills)
3.Situation by role-playing exercises to practice the language outside of fluency and construction of major relevance Student attitude (attitude)
4.Students can be used as future management of basic education related disciplines (other)
教材 教科書:English for International Tourism - Miriam Jacob & Peter Strutt-敦煌書局
參考書 :
1. Highly recommended - English for the hotel and catering industry - Rad Revell & Trish Stott- Oxford University Press(敦煌書局代理)
2. English for Travel - John Eastwood - Oxford Univ. Press.
3. International restaurant English - Leila Keane -敦煌代理
4. International hotel English - Donald Adamson - 敦煌代理
5. At your service - English for the travel and tourism English - Trish Stott - 敦煌代理
6. High Season - English for the hotel and Tourisnm English - Keith Harding - 敦煌代理
7.reservation confirmed -- 敦煌代理
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席狀況:10%
模擬演練: 40%
期中考: 20%
期末考: 20%
Grading attendance:10%
discussion involvement:10%
role play : 40%
mid term exam.: 20%
final exam.: 20%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~yiling/
教學內容 觀光旅遊英語會話
Syllabus This course is planned to help students to prepare for a career in the hospitality industry, each unit focuses on a particular job in a hotel or restaurant or other particualr tourism industry and present useful language for a real working situation.