教學內容 |
本課程的設計是針對非英語系的學生。我們強調聽說讀寫,所以教科書的選擇以聽說讀寫為主的Touchstone 2。 第一學期的閱讀及文法寫作練習會較多。反之第二學期, 口語與聽力的練習會較多。我們會介紹文法結構及閱讀技巧, 從正確的句子到完整的文章。此外, 我們有日常相關的議題作口語練習。課程將包括小考及文法練習,出席為學期成績的其中一部份。未經請假而未出席者成績將會有所影響。 |
Syllabus |
Course Description This course is designed for those who are not English majors. We will emphasize four skills—reading, writing, listening and speaking; thus, the textbook we choose is four skill oriented-- Touchstone 2. As for the first semester, we will focus much on reading, grammar and writing and in turn, we practice speaking and listening during second semester. We will introduce sentence structure and apply grammar practice to our reading. Aside from skills of reading and writing, discussion will be very important in class. We will have some issues related to our daily life for oral practice. In addition, we will have quizzes for grammar and extra- reading. Participation is one of semester grades. Absence without leave will affect your grades. |