朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Auditing 審計學

當期課號 1459 Course Number 1459
授課教師 王若蓮 Instructor WANG,JUO LIEN
中文課名 審計學 Course Name Auditing
開課單位 會計系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1.審計專業介紹:包括審計本質、會計師專業之服務內容與發展現況。 2.審計過程:包括審計目標及責任、審計證據蒐集與規劃、內部控制及其風險評估等。 Objectives This course includes following topics: 1.The Introduction of Public Accounting Profession:the Nature of Auditing, the Services performed by CPA, and the Current Development of Profession; 2.Auditing Processes: Audit Objectives, Responsibilities, Audit Planning, the Accumulation of Evidences, and the Evaluation of Internal Control System.
教材 Arens,Elder, & Beasley, 12th ed.,Prentice Hall
Teaching Materials Arens,Elder, & Beasley, 12th ed.,Prentice Hall
成績評量方式 1.期中與期末測驗各佔30﹪
Grading 1.mid-term and final test of 30% separately
2.other tests and learning attitude of 40%
教學內容 1.審計專業介紹:包括審計本質、會計師專業之服務內容與發展現況。
Syllabus 1、the introduction of Public Accounting profession:the nature of auditing, the services performed by CPA, and the current development of profession.
2、Auditing processes:audit objectives, responsibilities, audit planning, the accumulation of evidences, and the evaluation of internal control system.