當期課號 |
1452 |
Course Number |
1452 |
授課教師 |
陳佑全 |
Instructor |
, |
中文課名 |
物件導向程式設計 |
Course Name |
Object-Oriented Programming |
開課單位 |
會計系(四日)二C |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
3 |
Credits |
3 |
課程目標 |
以 Java 語言為具體實例, 介紹物件導向程式語言內的概念, 及如何實際應用物件導向程式設計的觀念與語法來達到軟體元件重複使用的效果.內容包含: 物件/類別/成員的基本觀念, 物件的誕生與消失, 存取控制,容器, 樣版, 繼承, 虛擬函數與類別, ... 等等. |
Objectives |
The course is based on Java language. The basic concept of object orient language will be introduced. How to design a re-useful object element using the object language also be mentioned in the course. The object designs features such as class and instance, new an object method, container, inheritance, abstract data type, and polymorphism and so on, will be studied. |
教材 |
1、新觀念Microsoft Visual Basic 2008程式設計 施威銘研究室 著 旗標出版股份有限公司 2、Visual Basic 2008程式設計範例教本 陳會安 著旗標出版股份有限公司 3、Visual Basicの異想世界 黃彬華 著 學貫行銷股份有限公司 |
Teaching Materials |
We will use online teaching. |
成績評量方式 |
平時成績30% 期中考試成績30% 期末考試成績40% |
Grading |
Attendance and participation 30% Middle examination 30% Final examination 40% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
在現今資訊發達的時代, 物件導向程式語言已經是現代人必備的基本職能,它不僅可強化競爭優勢,更可大幅提升工作績效。 本課程將教導Visual Basic 2008應用軟體,並以實務範例的方式,說明如何使用這些套裝軟體,應用在企業上,因此,學生將完全地了解授課軟體的運作原理,操作技巧,及在各領域上的應用。 |
Syllabus |
In our current information society, using object oriented programming language becomes a necessary skill for everyone. It enhances not only the competitive advantage but also the worker's job performances.
This course will teach students how to use Visual Basic 2008. It uses practical examples to demonstrate those how tools can be utilized in enterprise. Accordingly, students will understand the basic operating principles of software, controlling skills and their applications in all different fields. |