朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Statistics 統計學

當期課號 1426 Course Number 1426
授課教師 呂明哲 Instructor LU,MING CHE
中文課名 統計學 Course Name Statistics
開課單位 會計系(四日)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 統計學可區分為敘述統計和推論統計。前者系發展以圖形和數值結論描述某些企業現象;後者則利用這些數值結論協助企業決策。本課程主要論題為推論統計。因此,教學目標將著重在正確使用簡易的統計方法處理商業及管理領域的數據資料,從而對事物本質有正確的判斷。 Objectives There are two areas of statistics: descriptive statistics, which focuses on developing graphical and numerical summaries that describe some business phenomenon, and inferential statistics, which uses these numerical summaries to assist in making business decisions. The primary theme of this course is inferential statistics. Thus, the lecturer will concentrate on showing how you can use statistics to interpret data and use them to make decisions.
教材 統計學-商業與管理的應用,陳建勝等 著。 Teaching Materials Statistics-Applications in Business & Management
成績評量方式 小考30%;
Grading Quizs 30%;
Middle Term Exam. 25%;
Final Exam. 25%;
Performance in Class 20%.
教學內容 1. 統計估計
2. 假設檢定
3. 兩母體之統計推論
4. 變異數分析
5. 卡方檢定
6. 簡單線性迴歸分析
Syllabus 1. Statistical estimation
2. Hypothesis testing
3. Statistical inference about two populations
4. Analysis of variance
5. Chi-square tests
6. Simple linear regression analysis