當期課號 | 1425 | Course Number | 1425 |
授課教師 | 朱瓊芳 | Instructor | |
中文課名 | 稅務法規實務 | Course Name | Practices in Tax Law |
開課單位 | 會計系(四日)二A | Department | |
修習別 | 選修 | Required/Elective | Elective |
學分數 | 3 | Credits | 3 |
課程目標 | 使學生熟悉下列稅務法規之申報實務 一、綜合所得稅申報實務 二、營利事業所得稅申報實務 三、營業稅申報實務 |
Objectives | The practices in Tax Law will be introduced.The course will enable the students to be familiar with the practical works in filing Individual Income Tax Return, Profit-seeking Enterprise Income Tax, and Value-Added Tax. |
教材 | 指定教材: 租稅申報實務 松根出版社 七 版 陳妙香、李娟菁 著 輔助教材: Scholes, Wolfson, Erickson, Maydew and Shevlin. 合著的 (Taxes and Business Strategy - A Planning Approach)第四版,出版商:Prentice-Hall,2009年3月出版(ISBN:0136033156) |
Teaching Materials | Main Text: Reference: Scholes, Wolfson, Erickson, Maydew and Shevlin. Taxes and Business Strategy - A Planning Approach. 4nd ed. Prentice-Hall, 2009. (Referred to as ISBN:0136033156). |
成績評量方式 | 課堂案例討論 40 課後習作作業 30 紙筆考試測驗 30 |
Grading | Contributions to Class Discussion 40 Written Homework 30 Final Examination 30 |
教師網頁 | http:\\www.cg899.com | ||
教學內容 | 課程介紹 1.介紹綜合所得稅、營業稅及營利事業所得稅之申報實務。 2.講授上述三種主要租稅之申報程序,以及實務上之操作。 3.講授上述三種主要租稅之申報書表之填寫方法及注意事項。 傳統的財務及其它企業課程分析影響企業決策因素的廣泛範圍,但通常很少有系統地思考稅務所扮演的角色。國際金融專家認為“全球企業將面臨的不僅是經營風險,而更大的風險是來自稅務風險。”。當前企業面對的主要稅務難題是:如何充分掌握稅務法規的變化、如何適應稅務合規性要求日益增長的複雜性、如何應對稅務機關監管尺度的收緊,以及如何實現對稅務風險的有效管理等問題。同時,隨著經濟全球一體化,目前越來越多的國內企業走出國門、跨國企業進入世界各主流國家,由於稅制不同、適用會計準則不同、市場融資環境不同等,因此涉及到的稅收、會計、資本運作等都有很大差異。本課程不僅從企業的經營管理角度,還將從企業資本運作和跨國經營的涉稅問題、跨國資本運作和IPO的財稅處理這幾個方面切入,用大量的案例向學員講述其中奧妙。為培養全面的稅務經理人,掌握國際間稅收最新政策、更新稅收觀念,提高稅收管理水準,學會用稅收手段經營和管理企業。協助企業建立完善的稅收管理體系;規範企業的稅收行為,為企業健康發展保駕護航。本課程的目標即是以提供認知稅務規劃時機,及遵循稅務策略基本原則的架構,補強未來財會稅務專業人員之全面規劃能力。 本課程觀念性架構包含以下重要主題: • 全部參與者:有效的稅務規劃需要考慮對交易中全部參與人的稅務影響,在許多情況下,稅務狀況所創造出的稅務套利時機是不同的。 • 全部稅務:有效的稅務規劃需要考慮顯性稅(直接付給政府的稅)及隱性稅(在稅收優惠的投資上以降低稅前報酬率的形式間接支付稅額)。 • 全部成本:有效的稅務規劃需要規劃者了解稅務僅是企業眾多成本中的一項,而所有成本都必須在規劃的過程中考慮進去。 此課程以這個架構的一些基本分析性工具為開端,企業的生命週期表現出稅務在企業決策上可能扮演的角色,從創業時期的稅務議題(例如:公司組織形式的選擇),員工的薪資制度(例如:經常性及遞延薪酬,股票選擇權),投資機會(例如:股票、債券、年金),資本結構和股利政策,跨州和跨國的運作,財務的創新,以及企業併購。 此課程的最終目標為,提供一個即使稅法改變仍有價值的思考稅務的方法,而這個方法亦附帶培養對現今稅務改革提案評論思考的能力。 |
Syllabus | Introduction to the Course Traditional finance and other business courses analyze a broad spectrum of factors affecting business decision-making but typically give little systematic consideration to the role of taxes. In contrast, traditional tax accounting courses concentrate on administrative issues while ignoring the richness of the context in which tax factors operate. The objective of the course is to bridge this gap by providing a framework for recognizing tax planning opportunities and applying basic principles of tax strategy. The key themes in this conceptual framework are: • All Parties Effective tax planning requires the planner to consider the tax implications of a proposed transaction for all parties to the transaction. • All Taxes Effective tax planning requires considering both explicit taxes and implicit taxes. • All Costs Effective tax planning requires the planner to recognize that taxes represent only one among many business costs, and all costs must be considered in the planning process. The course begins with some basic analytical tools of this framework. The role that taxes may play in business decisions are presented within the life-cycle of a firm, from the tax issues at start up, the compensation of workers, investment opportunities, capital structure and dividend policy, multistate and multinational operations, financial innovations, and mergers and acquisitions. An ultimate goal of the course is to provide you with an approach to thinking about taxes that will be valuable even as the tax laws change. A useful by-product of this approach is the ability to think critically about current tax reform proposals. |