當期課號 |
1397 |
Course Number |
1397 |
授課教師 |
阮氏清萍 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
經濟學 |
Course Name |
Economics |
開課單位 |
會計系(四日)一B |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
3 |
Credits |
3 |
課程目標 |
上學期為個體經濟學,包括供給與需求、消費選擇、廠商理論、成本與生產、產品(因素)市場等主題;下學期為總體經濟學,依總體經濟問題、國民所得之概念、國民所得之衡量、國民所得均衡分析、總體經濟政策依序講授。 |
Objectives |
This is a one-year mandatory course. The course covers "introductory microeconomics" in the first semester and "introductory macroeconomics" in the second semester respectively. The first semester includes the following topics:1.Supply and Demand; 2.Consumer Choice; 3.Theory of the Firm; 4.Production and Costs; 5.Product Markets; and, 6.Factor Markets. The second semester includes the following topics: 1.Introduction to Macroeconomics; 2.Macroeconomic Measurements: National Income, Employment, and Price Level; 3.Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, and National Income Equilibrium; 4.Government Spending, Taxation, and Fiscal Policy; 5.The Banking System, the Central Bank, and Monetary Policy. |
教材 |
顏吉利特聘教授主編,『經濟學32講』(初版,2008,全華圖書股份有限公司出版) |
Teaching Materials |
Gili Yen, et al., 32 Lectures in Economics (1st Edition, 2008, Chuan Hwa Book Co.,Ltd.) |
成績評量方式 |
平時測驗/作業&出席狀況 40% 期中考30% 期末考 30% |
Grading |
Quizzes/Homework and Participation 40% Midterm 30% Final 30% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
本課程主要培養學生具備經濟學理論之概念及經濟問題之分析基礎,建立起如何運用經濟學在現實的生活之能力,課程內容包括: 1.個體經濟學:包括產品市場、一般均衡分析等主題等。
2.總體經濟學:包括國民所得之意義及決定方式,就業水準和物價水準,總體經濟政策、經濟成長等。 |
Syllabus |
This course aims at providing students the concept of economics and the basic for economic analysis, building up the ability on how to apply the theory to the reality. The outline includes:
1.Microeconomic: Product Markets, Factor Markets, and General Equilibrium Analysis.
2.Macroeconomic: National Income, Employment, Price Level, Government Policy, Monetary Policy, and Economic Growth etc. |