朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Industrial Economics 產業經濟學

當期課號 1367 Course Number 1367
授課教師 陳映君 Instructor CHEN,YING JUNE
中文課名 產業經濟學 Course Name Industrial Economics
開課單位 保險金融管理系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 首先介紹生產者行為、生產函數、成本函數的概念。接著介紹各種市場包括完全競爭市場、獨佔市場、壟斷性競爭市場及寡佔市場結構。接著是要素市場包括完全競爭市場下要素市場及不完全競爭市場下要素市場。最後介紹市場失靈及經濟效率。 Objectives We begin with examining the concepts of the production function and cost function. The next step focuses on the market structure, which includes the concepts of competitive market, monopolistic competition, monopoly and oligopoly. Finally, markets for fac
教材 1.Shy, Oz.(1996), Industrial Organization-Theory and
2.Don E. Waldman and Elizabeth J. Jensen (1998), Industrial Organization-Theory and Practice.
3.周添城(80年), 台灣產業組織論, 臺北: 二十一世紀基金會。
Teaching Materials 1.Shy, Oz.(1996), Industrial Organization-Theory and
2.Don E. Waldman and Elizabeth J. Jensen (1998), Industrial Organization-Theory and Practice.
3.周添城(80年), 台灣產業組織論, 臺北: 二十一世紀基金會。
成績評量方式 平時考:30%
Grading final test 40%
normal 30%
report 30%
教師網頁 http://lms.ctl.cyut.edu.tw/blog.php?user=1994035&f=portfolio&m=profile
教學內容 本課程的主要目的是教授同學產業經濟學基本的理論與分析架構,希望藉由理論與實務之驗證,引發同學對產業經濟學的興趣與進一步的認識,期盼日後同學接觸產業經濟問題及探討相關的公共政策課題時,具備基本的分析能力 Syllabus 一、Introduction
二、Theoretical Background
1. Basic Concepts in Noncooperative Game Theory
2. Technology, Production Cost, and Demand
三、Market Structures and Organization
1. Perfect Competition
2. The Monopoly
3. Markets for Homogeneous Products
4. Markets for Differentiated Products
5. Concentration, Mergers, and Entry Barriers
四、Technology and Market Structure
1. Research and Development
2. The Economics of Compatibility and Standards
1. Advertising
2. Quality, Durability, and Warranties
3. Pricing Tactics: Two-Part Tariff and Peak-Load
4. Marketing Tactics: Bundling, Upgrading, and
六、The Role of Information
1. Management, compensation, and Regulation
2. Price Dispersion and Search Theory
七、Government Policies and International Trade
1. Antitrust Laws and Policy
2. International Economics and Industrial Organization
3. Regulation and Deregulation