當期課號 |
1335 |
Course Number |
1335 |
授課教師 |
王明智 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
汽車保險 |
Course Name |
Automobile Insurance |
開課單位 |
保險金融管理系(四日)二C |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
1. 使學生了解汽車保險理論 2. 讓學生具備考取相關證照及至相關機構就業之能力 3. 能具備保險從業人員之專業態度 4. 使學生了解汽車保險理論與實務之差異與衍生 |
Objectives |
1. Enabling students to understand basic theories of automobile insurance. 2. Helping students to obtain certificates and ability to work at relevant institutes. 3. Having professional attitudes of personnel in insurance industry. 4. Enabling students to understand differences/spin off between theories and practice of automobile insurance. |
教材 |
王明智-- 現代汽車保險理論與實務-- 華泰; 最新頒布相關法令; |
Teaching Materials |
Wang Ming-Jyh(2001), Moden theory and pratice in automobile insurance, Hai-Tai Ltd., Company. Update of new announced law in insurance. |
成績評量方式 |
1. 上課情形參與度及小考佔40% 2. 期中考佔30% 3. 期末考佔30% |
Grading |
participation & quizs: 40%-- mid-term exam: 30%-- final exam: 30% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
本學期以講授汽車保險為主; 汽車保險之原理原則; 汽車保險之承保範圍; 汽車保險之保費等等; 強制汽車責任保險 保險相關稅法演講 保險公司實務演講或授課 個案討論 保險公司或相關實務單位參訪或短期實務體驗課程 |
Syllabus |
this course mainly covers auto insurance |