朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Insurance 保險學

當期課號 1272 Course Number 1272
授課教師 陳美夙 Instructor CHEN,MEI SU
中文課名 保險學 Course Name Insurance
開課單位 保險金融管理系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.使學生具產壽險及社會保險等保險的相關基本知識
Objectives 1.Enabling students to have basic knowledge of property & casualty/life insurance as well as social insurance.
2.Enabling students to be familiar with basic theories of insurance science to be applied in other individual insurance theories.
3.Enabling students to have professional attitudes of personnel in insurance and finance industry.
4.Serving as students’ foundation of learning knowledge in other fields in finance.
教材 Fundamentals of risk and insurance,Eighth edition, Emmett J. Vaughan John Wiley & sons,inc 台灣西書出版社 印行 2.保險學 華泰書局 Teaching Materials Fundamentals of risk and insurance,Eighth edition, Emmett J. Vaughan John Wiley & sons,inc
成績評量方式 期中30% 期末40%平時30% Grading medi-term 30% final 40% ,particpation30%
教學內容 本課程包括三個部分,首先探討風險管理的概念,保險工具的本質和風險管理的原則,亦概述了保險業的經營方式。第二部份闡述了傳統的生命和健康保險領域,作為解決與收入損失有關的風險,亦討論社會福利系統,員工補償和其他社會保險項目;最後,談及財產所有權與責任相關的虱險。 Syllabus The study is divided into three major section. In first section ,we examine the concept of risk, the nature of the insurance device, and the principles of risk management.This sectionalso provides an overview of insurance industry and the manner in which it operates.The second section examines the traditional fields of life and health insurance.