朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Creative Marketing of Service Industry 服務業創意行銷

當期課號 1250 Course Number 1250
授課教師 蔡維修 Instructor TSAI,WEI HSIU
中文課名 服務業創意行銷 Course Name Creative Marketing of Service Industry
開課單位 企業管理系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程從完整的服務行銷議題與策略入門,為因應知識經濟時代,利用腦力創造價值,本課程結合服務行銷與創意技術,除引導學生認識新興創意產業與服務產業,分享創意行銷案例外,也導入創意技術。讓學生不僅熟悉創意技術,更實地操演開發新服務與企劃創意行銷策略。根本目標則是激發同學們對創意與行銷的熱情與潛力。 Objectives This course begins with an introduction of the issues of service marketing. In order to meet the needs of boosting brain's creative ability under the age of knowledge economy, the content of this course combines the knowledge of service marketing and innovative techniques. The techniques of innovation are to be introduced in class in addition to the case study for students to be familiar with newly emerged industries. By doing this, students will be able to apply the techniques that they have learned into practice, regarding the creation of the new types of service business and the process of strategic marketing planning. To sum up, this course aims at arousing students' enthusiasms and their potentials of creativity and marketing.
教材 1服務行銷與管理,曾光華著,前程出版社
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.期中報告(20%)
Grading 1.Midterm report(20%)
2.Case report(40%)
3.Presention (20%)
教學內容 知識經濟的時代,首重腦力價值,如何發掘創意潛能,並且應用於服務行銷的工作範疇,是本課程的教育宗旨。本課程除了介紹服務業行銷的議題,同時,輔以相關個案研討與問題討論,增進學生將理論應用於實務的能力。在知識經濟時代為了提升同學的創意發想能力,本課程結合了服務業行銷與創意技巧,輔助學生評估創意行銷對於服務業之影響並取得適當之回應策略,並以活潑有趣且多元方式教學,包括成功創意案例分享、創意工具練習等。
Syllabus As the value of brain’s ability has been emphasized under the age of knowledge economy, the main purpose of this course is to arouse students’ enthusiasms and their creative potentials in the field of marketing service.This course begins with an introduction of the issues of service marketing. Also, there are discussions and analyses of the cases helping students apply the theory in practice.In order to meet the needs of boosting brain's creative dvelopement ability under the age of knowledge economy, the content of this course combines the knowledge of service marketing and innovative techniques. It is designed to assist the students in evaluating the impact of creative marketing on service industry and derive strategies to respond . Also, a variety of teaching methods will be applied to enrich the content of instruction, including case study for sharing innovative experience of the successful case, film viewing, or demo made by the export of innovation and the practice for the techniques of innovation.
This course covers six major areas:
1.a general introduction of service industry management;
2. five major issues of service marketing;
3. a combination of marketing and innovation;
4. discussions of newly emerged creative service industries;
5.customer relationship management;
6. experiential marketing;
7. an exploration of new service industries.