朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Practice of Operation Management 經營管理實務

當期課號 1243 Course Number 1243
授課教師 楊智超 Instructor YANG,JYH CHAU
中文課名 經營管理實務 Course Name Practice of Operation Management
開課單位 企業管理系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 教學目標:1.增進對產業界各級組織部門經營管理實務的認識;2.培養運用所學管理知識,分析各種經營管理實務、問題與改進方法的能力; 3.提昇對各種企業管理理論與技術的整合與應用能力。主要內容:資訊電子、金融、機電、鋼鐵、營建、飲料食品等等產業中廠商之經營管理實務,盡可能地加以討論。 Objectives The course aims to deepen the connection between the theory and practice of business management and to broaden the perspective of the understanding to the practice of management in wide industries. It is hoped that students learn to master the ability of applying management theories in various business context by learning from benchmarking excellent management practices.
教材 台灣企業個案研究選粹 劉廷揚主編 Teaching Materials Case study of Taiwan industry Tin- yong lu
成績評量方式 期終考30% 與期末考30% 期末報告40% Grading Midterm and final test 30%, presentation 40%
教師網頁 編組收集資料分組討論並上台報告,搭配聞名企業且儘量以本土個案為主
教學內容 列舉各主要行業選出代表性個案 詳細介紹並充分靈活 運用企業管理理論與實務經驗深入分析探討, 充分了解企業經營為何成敗得失原因, 探討解除危機愈開創先機之道 ,奠定學生未來就業與創業生涯規劃基礎。 Syllabus Using modern model case of major business industries,deeply introduce and implement management theories and practial operation analysis.let students understand why do some companies succeed while others fail? learning how to resolve business criss. Establish foundation for students futural career development.