朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Equal Trade Law 公平交易法

當期課號 1124 Course Number 1124
授課教師 鄒建中 Instructor TSOU,CHENG CHUNG
中文課名 公平交易法 Course Name Equal Trade Law
開課單位 財務金融系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 近年來我國工商業蓬勃發展,經濟社會結構激變。為配合經濟發展邁向自由化及國際化,必須建立公平合理的自由競爭規則與環境,以維護市場正場運作。民國八十年制定並經總統公佈的公平交易法,為本課程的主要內容。公平交易法分為兩個部分,第一部份獨占、結合、聯合行為與美國的反托拉斯法(Anti-trust)的規範相當,第二部份不公平競爭行為(Unfair trade practice)由聯邦貿易委員會主管。由於美國的文獻、案例較完整而豐富,因此上課的主要內容以美國最高法院的判例為主,同學需具備相當的英文程度。 Objectives The scope of Fair Trade Law is all-pervasive, with virtually every business of significance failling within its reach. This Law is enacted for the purposes of maintaining trading order, protecting consumers' interests, ensuring fair competition, and promoting economic stability and prosperity. We will focus on the Fair trade law promugulated in 1991 and use American Supreme Court anti-trust and Unfair Trade Practice cases as reading materials. Students are required to read complicated English.
教材 一.商務法律知識(劉南英著,著者發行,民國97年版)
Teaching Materials 1.book:The laws of comercial work theories
成績評量方式 平常成績:30%(出缺表現)
期中考試:30% (選擇題)
期末考試:40% (選擇與簡答題)
Grading ordinary grade 30%
middle examination 30% (including selection ouestions)
final examination 40% (including selection.description)
教學內容 一.課程內容概說
Syllabus 1. induction basic concepts
2. intellectual property rights introduce
3. consumer protection law analysis
4. equality contracts law analysis
5.case study