當期課號 | 1118 | Course Number | 1118 |
授課教師 | 方世詮 | Instructor | FANG,SHIH CHUAN |
中文課名 | 投資銀行 | Course Name | Investment Banking |
開課單位 | 財務金融系(四日)四A | Department | |
修習別 | 選修 | Required/Elective | Elective |
學分數 | 3 | Credits | 3 |
課程目標 | 本課程為投資銀行業的概論性課程 | Objectives | This lecture is designed to provide introductory understanding to business of investment banking. |
教材 | 1.Liaw, K. Thomas, The Business of Investment Banking, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999. 2.Marshall, John F. & Ellis, M. E., Investment Banking & Brokerage, The New Rules of the Game, IL: Probus Publishing Company, 1994. 3.Liaw, K. Thomas, Capital Markets, South-Western, 2004. 4.Beim, O. David & Charles W. Calomiris, Emerging Financial Markets, McGraw-Hill, 2001. |
Teaching Materials | 1.Liaw, K. Thomas, The Business of Investment Banking, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999. 2.Marshall, John F. & Ellis, M. E., Investment Banking & Brokerage, The New Rules of the Game, IL: Probus Publishing Company, 1994. 3.Liaw, K. Thomas, Capital Markets, South-Western, 2004. 4.Beim, O. David & Charles W. Calomiris, Emerging Financial Markets, McGraw-Hill, 2001. |
成績評量方式 | 作業 30%;期中考 35%;期末考 35% | Grading | Homework 30%;Mid-term Exam 35%;Final Exam 35% |
教師網頁 | http://lms.ctl.cyut.edu.tw/2001092 | ||
教學內容 | 本課程為投資銀行業的概論性課程,前半段的重點集中在初級市場的造市業務,後半段則為投資銀行在新興金融市場發展中的角色. | Syllabus | This lecture is designed to provide introductory understanding to business of investment banking. |