當期課號 |
1105 |
Course Number |
1105 |
授課教師 |
陳更生 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
國際財務管理 |
Course Name |
Multinational Financial Management |
開課單位 |
財務金融系(四日)三A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
3 |
Credits |
3 |
課程目標 |
從多國籍公司財務經理的觀點,探討相關財務管理的重要課題:首先介紹國際財務環境,其次探討外匯風管理、國際融資決策、國際投資決策,最後介紹營運資金的管理與控制。 |
Objectives |
Introduce the student to the environmental differences encountered by the manager of the international finance function in a multinational corporation. Introduce the student to selected major issues of international financial management, including management of foreign exchange risk, international financing strategies, international investment strategies, management of short-term capital,etc. |
教材 |
Shapiro. Alan C., Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, 5th ed.,2004, |
Teaching Materials |
Shapiro. Alan C., Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, 5th ed.,2004, |
成績評量方式 |
平時成績:30%,期中考試或報告 30%、期末考試40%。 |
Grading |
平時成績:30%,期中考試或報告 30%、期末考試40%。 |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
本課程將涵蓋以下內容: (1) 國際金融環境:國際貨幣制度、國際收支、國際平價關係與匯率決定、即期與遠期外匯市場; (2) 多國企業財務管理:外匯風險管理、海外融資策略、海外直接投資決策、跨國資金調度與國際現金管理; (3) 國際證券投資:國際分散投資、國際資產訂價、國際投資組合管理。 |
Syllabus |
In this course, some important issues in multinational financial management are explored in detail. These issue includ the measurement and management of foreign exchange risk, the cost of capital for foreign investments, the international portfolio investment and the capital budgeting for the multinational corporation. |