朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Essential of Business Law 商事法概要

當期課號 1049 Course Number 1049
授課教師 鄒建中 Instructor TSOU,CHENG CHUNG
中文課名 商事法概要 Course Name Essential of Business Law
開課單位 財務金融系(四日)一C Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 精熟商事法之知識及本質,對於公司治理及完成本課程而言是必要的。課程討論涵蓋與管理階層特別需要相關之各議題。學生修完本課程,可望具識別公司內外部管理環境中產生之法律問題。 Objectives Mastering the essence and knowledge of Business Laws is crucial in terms of corporate governance and satisfactorily completing this course. The class discussion would cover issues of particular needs to the management level. Hopefully, students could identify critical legal problems arising out of internal and external corporate management environment after they leave this class.
教材 <商事法>,劉渝生,三民書局,2007年七版 Teaching Materials <商事法>,劉渝生,三民書局,2007年七版
成績評量方式 一期中考:選擇題與問答題 30%
三平常成績:小考(保險法)與上課出席 30%
Grading 1.middle test 30%
2.end test 40%
3.ordinary grade 30%
教學內容 一.公司法介紹:公司基本架構.公司治理.資本籌募.合併清算解散.....等
Syllabus 1.the introduction of the corporation law
2.the introduction of the bill law
3.the concept cf the insurance law