當期課號 | 0341 | Course Number | 0341 |
授課教師 | 楊謦綺 | Instructor | Yang,Ching Yi |
中文課名 | 日文(二) | Course Name | Japanese II |
開課單位 | 校訂選修(日間部) | Department | |
修習別 | 選修 | Required/Elective | Elective |
學分數 | 2 | Credits | 2 |
課程目標 | 瞭解日文之基本句型之組織與結構,並培養學生聽話之能力。二、 使學生熟練生活實用日語之聽、說、讀、寫之技能。 | Objectives | 1. Knowing the basic structure of Japanese sentences. 2. Improving the abilities of listening speaking reading and writing (practical)Japanese. |
教材 | 林麗娟、謝琪瑛、陳玉青、洪筱萍編著,《元氣日本語》,全華科技圖書印行 | Teaching Materials | Please refer the Chinese version. |
成績評量方式 | 平時成績40﹪(包含平時小考,課堂參與) 期中考 30﹪ 期末考 30﹪ |
Grading | Term exam. 40% Midterm exam. 30% Final exam. 30% |
教師網頁 | http://japanese-e-learning.spaces.live.com/default.aspx | ||
教學內容 | I.教學目標: 1.學習正確發音及平假名片假名五十音書寫 2.學習日本語基礎句型 3.建立日語聽說讀寫的能力 II.教學大綱 1-2週:這是手機吊飾 3-4週:請問洗手間在哪裡呢(指示代名詞) 5-6週:請問那是多少錢呢(數詞) 7-8週:請問現在是幾點(動詞句) 9週:期中考 10-11週:請問生日是什麼時候 12-13週:在你家附近有什麼呢? 14-15週:你從哪裡來 16週:學期複習&聽力練習 17週:期末考 |
Syllabus | I.Object of the lesson: 1.Correctly pronounce and write fifty Japanese alphabets. 2. Knowing the basic structure of Japanese sentences. 3. Improving the abilities of listening speaking reading and writing (practical)Japanese. II.Outline of the lesson:(Abstract) WK1-2:This is strap. WK3-4:Where is the toilet? WK5-6:How much is it? WK7-8:What time is it? Wk9: Midterm Exam. WK10-11:When is your Birthday? WK12-13:Which building is close to your home? WK14-15:Where are you from? WK16:Review & Aural practice Wk17:Final Exam. |