朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Advanced English Reading 進階英文閱讀

當期課號 0336 Course Number 0336
授課教師 薛珍華 Instructor HSUEH,CHEN HUA
中文課名 進階英文閱讀 Course Name Advanced English Reading
開課單位 校訂選修(日間部) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 課程設計提供多樣的閱讀技巧與教材,並提升學生的閱讀理解與批判性的思考能力。 Objectives This course is designed to provide students with a variety of reading techniques and materials to enhance their reading comprehension and critical-thinking ability.
教材 英國BBC或是美國The New York Times新聞網之新聞 Teaching Materials Articles from BBC or The New York Times
成績評量方式 Attendance(10%)
Mid Term (25%)
Homework & Quiz(40%)
Final (25%)
Grading 出席(10%)
作業& 小考(40%)
教學內容 本課程擬取材於英國BBC或是美國The New York Times新聞網,透過以英文為母語人士所撰寫之新聞來了解國內外重要大事。一方面學習英語在新聞方面的書寫及閱讀與一般性的文章有何不同,同時也試著由國際性的視野了解這個地球村的面貌。除了基本的閱讀之外,修課學生同時必須以英語表達對於事件的看法,增進口語能力之外,同時亦培養國際性的視野。 Syllabus This course will adopt articles from BBC or The New York Times for students to study. With those articles written by native-speakers, students are expected to know what is going on in the world. In this way, not only students can understand the difference of news writing and normal writing, they can also know the global village from an international viewpoint. Besides basic reading, students have to learn to how to express their comment in English. Therefore, their speaking ability will be improved and an international vision can be cultivated.