當期課號 | 0326 | Course Number | 0326 |
授課教師 | 呂志宏 | Instructor | LU,CHIH HONG |
中文課名 | 日文(一) | Course Name | Japanese I |
開課單位 | 校訂選修(日間部) | Department | |
修習別 | 選修 | Required/Elective | Elective |
學分數 | 2 | Credits | 2 |
課程目標 | 打好日語發音基礎,加強日常生活會話練習。文法部分採取由淺而深的漸進教學方式,讓學習者理解各課文法、句型變化,直到正確的應用。授課除教材講述外,並輔助以錄音帶及錄影帶,以利提昇學習者聽、讀、說的能力。 | Objectives | The major topics of this course are including conversion, grammar, and sentence patterns to learn Japanese. A good pronunciation is the foundation to the beginners. Reading and writing of hiragana and katakana are also necessaries. We also focus in conversation and exercise. The schedule of grammar will started from basic to middle step by step for beginners to understand grammar, sentence patterns and could practice correctly. The teaching materials including textbook, lecture, tape and VCD to increase students’ abilities in listening, reading and speaking Japanese. |
教材 | 來學日本語 基礎一 尚昂文化事業國際有限公司 自製講義 |
成績評量方式 | 平常成績(出席率以及平常測驗)30% 期中考30% 期末考40% |
Grading | Term exam 30% Mid-term exam 30% Final exam 40% |
教師網頁 | http://japaneselearningandteach.spaces.live.com/ | ||
教學內容 | 第一週-第三週 平假名 第四週-第七週 第一課&片假名 第八週 第二課 第九週 期中考 第十週-第十ㄧ週 第二課 第十二週-第十三週 第三課 第十四週-第十六週 第四課 第十七週 總複習 第十八週 期末考 |
Syllabus | The main goal in this stage is to train students to speak basic japanese conversaiton. Week1-3 HIRAGANA Week4-7 LESSON1&KATAKANA Week8 LESSON2 Week9 MID-TERM TEST Week10-11 LESSON2 Week12-13 LESSON3 Week14-16 LESSON4 Week17 REVIEW Week18 FINAL TEST |