當期課號 |
0307 |
Course Number |
0307 |
授課教師 |
陳奐廷 |
Instructor |
CHEN,Huan Ting |
中文課名 |
法文(二) |
Course Name |
French II |
開課單位 |
校訂選修(日間部) |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
法語基本能力的訓練和溝通能力的培養,包括法語的發音、日常會話、觀光法語、香頌教唱和基礎文法等。法語的學習兼具口語表達與簡單的閱讀與書寫;帶領同學發現法國人的生活,欣賞法國的文化。 |
Objectives |
At the end of the course, student will learn: Pronunciation,Basic Grammar, Basic Conversation and French Culture. |
教材 |
INITIAL 1 (信鴿法國書店出版)
《法語簡易文法與練習》〈楊光貞等編著,中央圖書出版社〉 |
Teaching Materials |
Premiers pas en grammaire du francais, explications et exercices |
成績評量方式 |
平時的作業、小考和出席率佔40% 期中考佔30% 期末考佔30% |
Grading |
en cours:40% partiel:30% examen final:30% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
課程目標: 1.以學生為中心的教學技巧引導學生說流利的法語 2.奠定學生基礎實用法語文法 3.法國文化的介紹 4.激發學生主動的自我學習動機 教學方式: 以教科書為主,依照其設置的各種情境,傳授描述這些情境的各種法語會話,並解析較困難的單字、片語。還會循序漸進地講解法文文法,教唱幾首簡易的法國香頌,並介紹法國文化。 |
Syllabus |
The French course has four main aims: 1. to courage fluency and the active use of French 2. to provide language models that will be relevant to the student's needs. 3. to introduce French culture 4.to encourage self-learning. Teaching method : Regard textbook as principle, teaching every kind of French conversation of particular scenario, and analyzes the difficult word, phrase. Will follow the sequence and advance gradually ground to explain in detail French grammar. Will also teach to sing some simple French songs and introduce French culture. |