當期課號 |
0218 |
Course Number |
0218 |
授課教師 |
黃翠芬 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
就學就業文書寫作 |
Course Name |
For the needs of study and employment Writing Skills |
開課單位 |
中文寫作課群(日) |
Department |
修習別 |
選擇必修 |
Required/Elective |
Topics in Chinese Writing |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
訓練學生運用本國語文表達之能力,使學生具備撰寫各類文書之常識,並諳熟各類應用文書撰寫之要領,因應就學、就業之需,加強相關文類之撰作知能。 |
Objectives |
Training students to have the fundamental expressing ability of languages. Making them to have the general knowledge of all documents writing, and be well-skilled in the essentials of applied documents writing. For the needs of study and employment, enhancing the writing ability of being related to styles of writing. |
教材 |
應用文 黃俊郎編 三民書局\ 應用文 謝海平編 空大用書\ 應用文 蔡信發編 國文天地萬卷樓\ 實用應用文 沉惠如等編 今古書局\ 應用文 張仁青編 三民書局\ 自編講義 \實例編輯 |
Teaching Materials |
Explaining, Reviewing, discussion, Acting, Recording, Reading, Notes, What One has learned, Examination |
成績評量方式 |
期考60% 習作40% 曠課扣分 |
Grading |
Exams: 60% Exercises: 40% Cutting classes deducts 2-5 points of total each time. |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
一 本課程旨在強化中文應用 注重寫作能力的培養 從瞭解文書特性、修辭技巧、體認一般文章寫作要點,並開展各種實用文書寫作 二 課程設計將依選課學生的需求 進行單元式教學 三 預計單元有--
應用類文書寫作指導--從如何寫出令人印象深刻的自傳、履歷表、正確的封文、得體的書信、自薦及推薦信、名片和便條、以及函、簽、公告、會議文書、書狀、啟事、題辭等。3因應學生升學就業---特加強學術報告、研究計劃,讀書計畫書,企劃書,以及公職考試公文與論文的訓練等 凡此皆旨在有效提升語文競爭實力,增加升學就業的機會。 |
Syllabus |
Weeks 1-3 Introduction to the course/ A faint simple: sealing writing of letters/ Study and employment: contents of letters. Weeks 4-6 Catch at shadows-indulge in groundless suspicion: covering and editing/ The mother of articles: writing the press release/ Talking prose and writing short writing. Weeks 7-9 Showing off oneself: resumes/ Every sides: profiles/ Midterm exam. Weeks10-12 Common documents: name cards, notes and fore words/ How to write the semester reports/ Studying plans and recommendations. Weeks13-15 Occupational documents: asking for leave and resigning/ Project books/ Documents summarizing. Weeks16-18 Exercises of letters/ Final exam. |