朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Proposal Writing and Presentation for Media 企劃寫作

當期課號 0213 Course Number 0213
授課教師 高知遠 Instructor  
中文課名 企劃寫作 Course Name Proposal Writing and Presentation for Media
開課單位 中文寫作課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Chinese Writing
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 如果商場是戰場,企劃就是作戰指揮中心,如果商場是田徑場,企劃是就是十項全能的競技。因為企劃寫作是結合資訊、知識、智慧、執行力的思想與行動的藝術,它需要大量消耗心智、體力,必須不斷地補強充電。因此。修課學生必須是一個全方位的知識份子,也是一個探險旅行者,更是了解市場走向,客戶需要的心理學家。同時,也應是運動愛好者。
Objectives If business is like battle field, proposals are the command center of the battle. Because writing proposals is a combination of information, knowledge, wisdom, and execution, it needs a lot of mind and physical powers. The student taking this course will become a full intellect, understand the customers' psychological demands and grasp the market trends.
教材 孔子傳、詩經、應用文 Teaching Materials The Book of Songs 、all writings except literary work
成績評量方式 期中考佔30%、平時報告15%、出席率15%、期末考40% Grading Exams: 70% Exercises: 30% Cutting classes deducts 3-5 points of total each time.
教學內容 以文學及日常生活可見的種種文學現象為起點,再往上溯及古代的文人所創發的文學及文化現象。因此,在課程安排上,將作品賞析為出發;再以詩經、說明中國文化:進而以詩詞、戲劇等探討中國人的文學世界。
Syllabus Chinese literature was the base of our country"s traditional culture. We can understand the grace of China literature and promotes the ability of read and write through those production. We also wish all the students may appreciate the different between right and wrong from the Chinese literature, and establish the consummate personality.