當期課號 | 0210 | Course Number | 0210 |
授課教師 | 陳昌遠 | Instructor | , |
中文課名 | 就學就業文書寫作 | Course Name | For the needs of study and employment Writing Skills |
開課單位 | 中文寫作課群(日) | Department | |
修習別 | 選擇必修 | Required/Elective | Topics in Chinese Writing |
學分數 | 2 | Credits | 2 |
課程目標 | 訓練學生運用本國語文表達之能力,使學生具備撰寫各類文書之常識,並諳熟各類應用文書撰寫之要領,因應就學、就業之需,加強相關文類之撰作知能。 | Objectives | Training students to have the fundamental expressing ability of languages. Making them to have the general knowledge of all documents writing, and be well-skilled in the essentials of applied documents writing. For the needs of study and employment, enhancing the writing ability of being related to styles of writing. |
教材 | 1、《現代應用文書》黃湘陽主編,洪葉出版社。 2、《讀書報告寫作指引》林慶彰、劉春銀合著,萬卷樓。 3、《科學論文寫作》,傅祖慧著,藝軒。 4、《論文寫作格式手冊》,吳宜澄、盧姵綺合著,桂冠。 |
Teaching Materials | MAL Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th ed. |
成績評量方式 | 期中考試30% 期末考試30% 平常成績(含出席情況、作業成績、上課表現)40% |
Grading | 1.class discussing 30%. 2.paper 40% 3.finnal exam. 30% |
教師網頁 | http://www.wretch.cc/blog/libidochen | ||
教學內容 | 本課程之教學內容有二:一為現代日常生活中所應具備之公文寫作;二為學術論文與讀書報告之寫作指引,期使同學能實際運用所學於所需。 | Syllabus | The purpose of the course is to improve the students’ ability to express themselves in “Practical Chinese”. The course is designed for the need of the real word. Using a variety of media, the course trains the students to write and speak well in the modern working environment. |