當期課號 |
0182 |
Course Number |
0182 |
授課教師 |
葉時昌 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
藝術欣賞 |
Course Name |
Art Appreciation |
開課單位 |
藝文涵養課群(日) |
Department |
修習別 |
選擇必修 |
Required/Elective |
Topics in Chinese and Art Appreciation |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
理論與操作並進的教學,在藝術欣賞與實作中體驗藝術創作的特色,拉近藝術與生活的距離,期能通過對國內外藝術的流派與發展,有清晰的了解,通過藝術欣賞的理解過程中,培養獨立的審美欣賞能力。 |
Objectives |
Theory and application in teaching activities can make the students aware and experience the arts and also shorten the distance between life and the artistic world. The students are given to have a clear idea about the domestic and external schools in the arts. Also they can build up capability of art appreciation independently. |
教材 |
專題講義 Power Point圖片 影片賞析 |
Teaching Materials |
Subject Materials, Power-point Pictures, Movie & DVD |
成績評量方式 |
平時成績佔30% 期中考30% 期末考40% |
Grading |
Attending 30% Mid-Term Exam 30% Term-End Exam 40% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
週次:1:有趣又好玩的藝術 2:藝術奇特的起源 3:義大利文藝復興 4:義大利文藝復興 5:藝術的風格問題(藝術大師故事影片欣賞) 6:生活本就是一種風格 7:藝術生活化(走出教室參觀畫展去) 8:巴洛克與洛可可時期 9:期中考 10:新古典主義與浪漫主義 11:印象派 時期 12:印象派時期 13:後印象派時期 14:20世紀之現代藝術 15:20世紀之現代藝術 16:藝術市集(走出教室參訪去) 17世界級美術館影片欣賞 討論與總結 18:期末考 |
Syllabus |
Week:1:Art is fun & interesting. 2: The origination of Art. 3:Renaissance in Italy (1) 4: Renaissance in Italy (2) 5: What's Art Style ? (Great master's movie appreciation.) 6: You can live through your own style. 7:What a living Art. (Out-Classroom Teaching.) 8: Barrogue & Rococo Period. 9:Mid-Term Exam. 10: Neo-Classism & Romanism. 11: Impressionism (1) 12: Impressionism (2) 13: Post-Impressionism. 14: The 20 Century's Art (1) 15: The 20 Century's Art (2) 16: Art Free Market (Art Plein-Air ) 17:World's Famous Museum & Gallery Tour (DVD) Assembly Q&A 18:Term-End Exam. |