朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
The enjoyment & practice of ModernPoetry 現代詩賞析與習作

當期課號 0181 Course Number 0181
授課教師 徐培晃 Instructor ,
中文課名 現代詩賞析與習作 Course Name The enjoyment & practice of ModernPoetry
開課單位 藝文涵養課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Chinese and Art Appreciation
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 透過對於現代詩的閱讀 分享 以及創作 以激起學生對於現代詩的興趣 並進而使其透過創作與討論的過程 對於現代詩能夠有更深入且全面之認識。 Objectives To know the writer about poet.
教材 教師提供教材 Teaching Materials Teaching materials
成績評量方式 課堂作業60%
Grading Class work 60%.
Class participation 40%
教學內容 本課程一方面希望能增加學生的文學閱讀了解新詩所蘊含的美感,以及文化、社會意義。一方面希望同學能實際練習創作,以詩、短文為重點,讓同學投入寫作將生活與文學結合。 Syllabus There are two purposes of this course. First, the students will spend more time reading poetry, enjoying its beauty, and understanding its culture and social meanings. Second, the students will practice writing, focusing on poems and short essays. When the students engage in the process of writing, they will integrate their lives with literature.