當期課號 |
0167 |
Course Number |
0167 |
授課教師 |
黃圻文 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
書藝創作與欣賞 |
Course Name |
The Appreciation and Creation of Calligraphy |
開課單位 |
藝文涵養課群(日) |
Department |
修習別 |
選擇必修 |
Required/Elective |
Topics in Chinese and Art Appreciation |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
書法是中國傳統藝術,具有獨特的審美價值與社會功能,是美感教育的一環。每位書家,都擁有個人生命特質與藝術修持,透過外顯的書法作品,展現勃發的生命力。觀賞者欣賞書法藝術,除了觀賞表現技巧,體會布局用心外,更可隨著筆勢的流轉變化,與書家創作時的心境、情感相融通,獲得心靈相契的滿足。練習書法,可以沉澱心緒,修養心性,暫釋外界干擾。因此,書法是雅俗共賞的藝術,若能深入瞭解、研究書法藝術,具有相當的挑戰,也擁有豐富的樂趣。 |
Objectives |
To know the chinese character, for character are patterns, and words are meanings; We would like to resort our creation intension from the patterns as the meanings. |
教材 |
教材自編。 |
Teaching Materials |
The teacher edits the teaching material by oneself. |
成績評量方式 |
1.讀書報告30% 2.期中考30% 3.期末考40% |
Grading |
1.Read book Report 30% 2.Mid-term Exam 30% 3.End-term Exam 40% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
讓學生瞭解東方書寫文化特性,激發內在潛能美感,表現書藝時代精神與創意。 以文化人類學與視覺心理角度,帶入書寫意象,使感性、認知與技巧相輔相成,邁向新的視野。 |
Syllabus |
TO explore students Potentiality and develope their visual creativeness, through theory understanding and cases practise. From cultural anthropology and visual psychology point of riew, so that students, sensibility Knowledge and technology can work hand - in hand. |