當期課號 |
0152 |
Course Number |
0152 |
授課教師 |
鄧雅靜 |
Instructor |
Teng,Ya Ching |
中文課名 |
生物科技 |
Course Name |
Biotechology |
開課單位 |
自然與科技發展課群(日) |
Department |
修習別 |
選擇必修 |
Required/Elective |
Topics in Natural and the? Development of Sciences |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
隨著DNA的發現,人們進入了基因時代。當生物科技興起,並成為二十一世紀明星產業的時刻,本課程將以深入淺出的方式介紹生物科技在農業上、醫學上以及生態環境上所造成的影響與衝擊,培養同學對此新興科技的基本認知,進而更加瞭解生命並且尊重生命。 |
Objectives |
In Biotechnology, students are introduced to the scientific study of living things. They should develop their understanding of the influence of biotechnology in agriculture, medicine as well as in environment. Students should be able to recognize genes, to understand biotechnology, to develop their conscience and to have respect to all things in the world. |
教材 |
1.生物科技產業概論 2.基因工程與生物技術慨論-基因選殖及DNA分析 3.Powerpoint 4.video CD |
Teaching Materials |
1.Textbook of Understanding Biotechnology Industry 2.Textbook of Gene Cloning and DNA analysis An introduction 4/e 3.Powerpoint 4.video CD |
成績評量方式 |
1.平時成績(25%) 2.指定作業(25%) 3.考試(50%) |
Grading |
1.Participation (25%) 2.Assignment of homework(25%) 3.examination(50%) |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
1.緒論 2.生物科技發展簡史 3.生物科技在食品上的應用 4.生物科技在環境上的應用 5.生物科技在醫學上的應用 6.單株抗體藥物的發展 7.新藥研發與生物製劑 8.桃莉羊與複製動物 9生物科技在農業上的應用 10.生物科技在刑事科學上的應用 |
Syllabus |
1.Introduction 2.The brief histories of advances in biotechnology 3.The application of biotechnology in Food 4.The application of biotechnology in environment 5.The application of biotechnology in medicine 6.Monoclonal antibodies 7.New drug development and biopharmaceuticals 8.Dolly the sheep and animal cloning 9.The application of biotechnology in agriculture 10.The application of biotechnology in forensic science |