朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Law & Life 法律與生活

當期課號 0104 Course Number 0104
授課教師 楊文蘭 Instructor YANG,WEN LAN
中文課名 法律與生活 Course Name Law & Life
開課單位 法政與社會課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Jurisprudence And Social Science
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 現代國家法治為世界社會潮流之主幹,為使全民瞭解法律的基本規範。本課程即為補足過去教育中所欠缺的法治教育。提供數項實例,以具體生活經驗引領學生進入法律領域之思考,以學習此項社會科學之哲學。 Objectives The legal infrastructure of a modern state is the spinal column in the society for global village. This subject is to demonstrate the learners basic concepts of our legal system as supplement for insufficiency on legal courses in the past education. Practical examples will be illustrated for studying the philosophy of this social science on the cases of more substantial living experiences, to guide the learners to interpreting the territory of legal system themselves. ( tbc).
教材 法律與生活,鄭仰俊、鄭乃文,元照出版社 Teaching Materials law in life, Chan un chun and Chan nei wen, Angle publicshing Co.
成績評量方式 期中考33%,期末考33%,平時33% Grading Grading midddle test33%
final test 33%
report and presentation 33%
教學內容 本課程從生活及社會新聞出發探討法律思想與法律制度的導論課程。以實務的角度了解到法律的基準與效力,法律與社會的關係,法理學的意義與內容、法學的主要派別及學說、民法、刑法、行政法及其訴訟法之簡介,及司法改革與司法獨立之相關議題。 Syllabus This class is based on the general thinking of social events.From the concepts of general laws, we will discuss the relationship between law and the society. this class is an introduction about exploration of the legal thinking and system. Througth this class, you will learn the foundation and effect of related laws from the practical point of view, connection between law and society, main schools and theories of law, basic concept of civil law, criminal law and litigation proceedings.