朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
National Deveolpment 國家發展

當期課號 0089 Course Number 0089
授課教師 王朝枝 Instructor WANG,CHAO CHIH
中文課名 國家發展 Course Name National Deveolpment
開課單位 法政與社會課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Jurisprudence And Social Science
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.本課讓學生了解到一個國家朝向現代化的發展中如何面對問題、解決問題,讓國家能走向均富的社會境界。
Objectives 1.This course demonstrates to students how a nation, in the process of moving towards modernization, faces and resolves problems, and reaches the stage of ‘equal wealth’. 2. It introduces students to further methods and means of research through lectures and presentations on the content of the course, supported by readings in other scholars’ work and study and discussion of similar systems and philosophies from the past to the present, both native and foreign.
教材 1.講義自編
Teaching Materials The teacher edits the teaching material by oneself.
成績評量方式 平時成績(專題報告)佔40%。
Grading In-class performance (oral presentation) makes up 40% of the grade, a written mid-term examination 30% and a written final examination 30%
教學內容 1.本課讓學生了解到一個國家朝向現代化的發展中如何面對問題、解決問題,讓國家能走向均富的社會境界。
Syllabus 1.This course demonstrates to students how a nation, in the process of moving towards modernization, faces and resolves problems, and reaches the stage of ‘equal wealth’. 2. It introduces students to further methods and means of research through lectures and presentations on the content of the course, supported by readings in other scholars’ work and study and discussion of similar systems and philosophies from the past to the present, both native and foreign.