朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
folk custom and culture 民俗與文化

當期課號 0061 Course Number 0061
授課教師 蕭富隆 Instructor Shiau,Fu Long
中文課名 民俗與文化 Course Name folk custom and culture
開課單位 歷史與文明課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in History and Civilization
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.認識一般百姓的生活習俗及各項風俗對於百姓生活的影響。2.尋找一般百姓生活的基本特徵,討論民間風俗對於一般百姓生活的約束力,瞭解一般百姓的行為規範。3.說明台灣今日社會風俗之傳承與演變,觀察今日台灣民間風俗之概況。 Objectives Discussing the culture of the ancient Chinese people, and its influence to the people. The main content including their food, clothes, the customs of life and death, and the taboo.
教材 自編講義
Teaching Materials Composing notes edited by teacher.
Read the papers specified.
成績評量方式 學生參與分組討論之表現與出席率40%。
Grading Students to participate in group discussions of performance and attendance rate of 40%.
Mid-term written examination 30%.
Final written examination 30%.
教學內容 探討百姓之生活習俗,內容包括:民俗起源、常民食衣住行育樂、婚嫁、生養與繼承、歲時、祭祀信仰、民俗文物、民間戲曲等各方面之風俗。 Syllabus Of people's living habits, including: folk origins, ordinary people in their lifestyles recreation, marriage, raising a succession, at the age of ritual beliefs, folk artifacts, folk drama and other areas of the customs.