課程目標 |
中華武術,源遠流長,博大精深,以致百家紛陳,各放異采。而太極拳以其剛柔相濟,動靜相生,鬆活連綿,自然運轉,吞吐開合,虛實循環等陰陽相合的風格特點名聞遐邇,享譽於海內外。太極拳之真精神,乃是以柔克剛,借力使力,而臻「妙手-運-太極,太-運化烏有」的混然一圓,莊然和諧之最高境界。 |
Objectives |
Course description: Tai-Chi, literally “Supreme Ultimate Fist,” is a centuries-old Chinese discipline for health, relaxation, meditation, self-defense and self-cultivation. Tai-Chi emphasizes relaxation and inner calm rather than strength. It is practiced slowly and evenly in circular patterns, it improves circulation, balance, and helps relax and strengthen the nervous system. As meditation, Tai-Chi is a way of harmonizing body and mind dynamically. It fosters an inner quiet that nourishes a continuing awareness. |