課程目標 |
是一種與大自然對抗的運動能使人心曠神怡,感受到輕鬆自在,與世無爭之心境。高爾夫球並非激烈的運動,且由於其不受條件約束同時並沒有年齡、男女之區別,以對等的眼光來,它是種大眾化的運動。從基本運作如何握桿,揮桿推桿法進而上球場實際練習,讓初學者能夠達到自我訓練 |
Objectives |
Course description: An exercise that playing against the nature. Players can feel relax and comfortable by playing it. Golf is not an exciting sport, and it has no limitation of age and sex, viewing via reciprocity, it is a public sport. Through the basic skills learning of holding the golf club, the way of hitting balls, the real practice on the green field, beginners can achieve self-training and decision-making, furthermore, arouse their interests of playing golf as a whole life exercise. |