朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Chinese Cultural and Life 中國文化與生活

當期課號 9004 Course Number 9004
授課教師 林敏勝 Instructor Lin,Min Sheng
中文課名 中國文化與生活 Course Name Chinese Cultural and Life
開課單位 多元通識課群(二進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Multiple General Education
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 從文化的起源談起,針對社會制度、政治制度、宗教信仰、思想風俗、經濟型態、文風藝術等重要文化面像,依時代的先後進行各主題的論述,讓學生能夠了解中國文化的一些特質,並且適度地藉著不同時代的比較來說明文化的演變,以及中國文化對於現代人的影響。 Objectives This course introduces students to the key elements of Chinese culture by examining a wide range of perspectives and discourses, including political institutions, socioeconomic structures, philosophy, customs, literature, and the fine arts. By comparing these phenomena across different eras, the course also explores their historical development, as well as the ways in which Chinese culture has influenced the modern world.
教材 1、指定教材:中國文化史,杜正勝主編(三民書局) 2、補充教材:專論文章及另編製講義。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時成績佔10%,期中考成績佔30%,期末考成績佔30%,課後作業佔30%。 Grading Ordinary achievement 10%
Middle test 30%
Final test 30%
Report 30%
教學內容 透過文化史當中幾個較重要的議題做歷史序列的闡述,並適時採不同時代的比較方式來說明文化的累積與更替,讓學生從觀念、制度的萌芽、成型與演變來觀察中國文化形成的深度與廣度,期望藉此誘發學生對於中國文化進行不同角度的觀察與思考。 Syllabus Through the several cultural historical important description to illustrate the historical order, and take the way to compare the different epoch to explain the accumulate and change of the culture. Let students observed the depth and width of the Chinese culture from concept . system’s buliting. Forming and changing. Hope to induce student observe and think over the Chinese culture in the different point.