朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Landscape and Recreation Management 景觀遊憩經營管理

當期課號 7303 Course Number 7303
授課教師 許國威 Instructor HSU,KUO WEI
中文課名 景觀遊憩經營管理 Course Name Landscape and Recreation Management
開課單位 建築及都市設計研究所碩士班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1.了解景觀遊憩經營管理的觀念及理論
Objectives 1.To understanding the concept and theory about landscape and recreation management
2.Analyzing market
3.Evaluating financial feasibility
4.Developing marketing strategies
5.Shaping the management policy
6.Delivering management programs.
教材 專案管理策略精論(Project Management-Strategic Design and Implementation),David I. Cleland and Lewis R. Ireland,博頡策略顧問有限公司,2004。 Teaching Materials Project Management-Strategic Design and Implementation,David I. Cleland and Lewis R. Ireland, 2004.
成績評量方式 1. 個案研究報告 60%
2. 期末報告 30%
3. 課程參與 10%。
Grading 1. Case Studies 60%
2. Term Paper 30%
3. Class Participation 10%.
教學內容 景觀遊憩經營管理理論與實務的概念介紹,以個案研究方式討論景觀與遊憩產業的相關經營管理決策架構,包括:市場分析、財務評估、行銷策略等課題,並進一步建立經營管理的決策分析能力。 Syllabus Introduction to management concepts and thinking involved in theory and practice of landscape and recreation. Case studies are applied to discuss the contents of management, including market analysis, financial evaluation, and marketing strategy. This course offers a framework for analyzing how management policy reflect and shape processes and practices in landscape and recreation industry. Principal focus on the ability of decision making analysis through critical use of the management process.