朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Thanatology 生死學概論

當期課號 3661 Course Number 3661
授課教師 陳運星 Instructor CHEN,YUN SHING
中文課名 生死學概論 Course Name Introduction to Thanatology
開課單位 老人服務事業管理系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程以哲學、宗教、心理輔導、生命禮儀的四大向度,對於「死亡」做出跨科際(inter-curriculums )及跨文化(cross-culture)的探討,期能讓同學們獲得全方位的生死教育理念;並進一步在探討及反省「死亡」相關事件中,體會「生」的意義並激發對生命的熱愛。 Objectives This course aims to provide a prospective view of Life and Death by studying philosophy, religion thoughts, counseling, and the rites of life passage. Furthermore, by exploring and reflecting the relevant "death" events, the students will be led to gain the meaning of "life" and to evoke the passion of living.
教材 1.陳運星(2009),《生死學》,台北市:麗文文化事業公司。
2.傅偉勳(1994) 《死亡的尊嚴與生命的尊嚴》,台北:正中書局。
3.索甲仁波切著,鄭振煌譯(1996), 《西藏生死書》, 台北:張老師出版社。
Teaching Materials Chen, Yunshing (2009). Life and Death Studies. Taipei: Liwen Publishing Company.
成績評量方式 一、平時成績30%:平時作業(另含出勤狀況及自由發言討論情形)。二、期中考成績30%:預立遺囑。三、期末考成績40%:生死機構參訪心得報告。 Grading 1.At ordinary times result 30% ,
2.Midterm tests 30%,
3.Final tests 40%.
教學內容 1.生命品質與死亡尊嚴2.生死的解構3.死亡教育:預立遺囑4.臨終關懷與安寧療護5.病痛的解析6.宗教的救渡。"現代生死學"是一門探討生命價值與死亡現象的學問,是屬於「飭終學」的研究範疇。本課程包含著生死的解構、臨終關懷與死亡教育…等課題,亦可讓學生瞭解到生命誠可貴、死亡並不恐懼。 Syllabus Modern Thanatology is one discusses life value and knowledge of death phenomenon, is belong at research "to be good Death" and "Dying with peace and dignity". This course include ignite life and death separation to construct, hospice care and death education … etc the topic, also can let the student understand the life is sincere , valuable, die not frightened.