朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Social Policy And Social Legislation 社會政策與社會立法

當期課號 3625 Course Number 3625
授課教師 黃全慶 Instructor HWANG,CHUAN CHING
中文課名 社會政策與社會立法 Course Name Social Policy And Social Legislation
開課單位 社會工作系(四在)四B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程有兩大主軸,為社會政策與社會立法。在社會政策中,將介紹公共政策基本概念、社會政策相關意涵、國內外之經驗,及理論之分析架構。就社會立法而言,則以政策概念為基礎,探討我國社會立法之實際案例。 Objectives Two subjects will be introduced in this course. The first one is about "social policy", and it includes the concepts of public policy, the implication of social policy, the experience of domestic and foreign, and the analytical framework of theory. The other one is "social legislation", and different cases in Taiwan will be discussed in this subject.
教材 指定教科書:

Esping-Andersen, Gosta (1990): 福利資本主義的三個世界,古允文譯(1999),台北:巨流。
李易駿,古允文 (2003/1)。 另一個福利世界?東亞發展型福利體制初探。 台灣社會學刊,第31期,頁189-241。
傅立葉(2002),〈婦女福利服務〉,《社會工作與台灣社會》。呂寶靜主編。台北:巨流。 頁266- 307
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1999) Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies. New York: Oxford University Press.(可從本校圖書館電子書系統中『Oxford Scholarship Online Collection 牛津線上學術電子書』取得全文。)

Ferrera, Maurizio et al (2003): Recasting European Welfare States, in Hayward, Jack/ Hull Menon, Anand (ed.), Governing Europe, Oxford University Press,pp.346-350, (可從本校圖書館電子書系統中『Oxford Scholarship Online Collection 牛津線上學術電子書』取得全文。)

Huber, Evelyne/Stephens John D. (2001): Development and Crisis of the Welfare State, Parties and Policies in Global Markets, Chicago: The Univesity of Chicago Press.

Korpi, W. & Palme, J. (2003) New Politics and Class Politics in the Context of Austerity and Globalization: Welfare State Regress in 18 Countries, 1975–95. American Political Science Review 97 (3), pp. 425-46 (可從本校圖書館電子期刊中取得全文。)

Pierson, Christopher (2006): Beyond the Welfare State? The New Political Economy of Welfare, London: Polity Press. (本校圖書館有藏書)

Pierson, Christopher/Castles Francis G.(eds.)(2006): The Welfare State Reader, Cambridge: Polity Press (本校圖書館有藏書)

Pierson, P. (1996), ‘The New Politics of the Welfare State’, World Politics, 48 (2), pp. 143-. 179

Pierson, Paul (ed.)(2001): The New Politics of the Welfare State, Oxford: University Press.(本校圖書館有藏書,電子書可下載全文)

Starke, Peter (2006): The Politics of Welfare State Retrenchment: A Literature Review,. Social Policy & Administration 40:1, pp.104-120 (可從本校圖書館電子期刊中取得全文。)
Teaching Materials 指定教科書:

Esping-Andersen, Gosta (1990): 福利資本主義的三個世界,古允文譯(1999),台北:巨流。
李易駿,古允文 (2003/1)。 另一個福利世界?東亞發展型福利體制初探。 台灣社會學刊,第31期,頁189-241。
傅立葉(2002),〈婦女福利服務〉,《社會工作與台灣社會》。呂寶靜主編。台北:巨流。 頁266- 307
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1999) Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies. New York: Oxford University Press.(可從本校圖書館電子書系統中『Oxford Scholarship Online Collection 牛津線上學術電子書』取得全文。)

Ferrera, Maurizio et al (2003): Recasting European Welfare States, in Hayward, Jack/ Hull Menon, Anand (ed.), Governing Europe, Oxford University Press,pp.346-350, (可從本校圖書館電子書系統中『Oxford Scholarship Online Collection 牛津線上學術電子書』取得全文。)

Huber, Evelyne/Stephens John D. (2001): Development and Crisis of the Welfare State, Parties and Policies in Global Markets, Chicago: The Univesity of Chicago Press.

Korpi, W. & Palme, J. (2003) New Politics and Class Politics in the Context of Austerity and Globalization: Welfare State Regress in 18 Countries, 1975–95. American Political Science Review 97 (3), pp. 425-46 (可從本校圖書館電子期刊中取得全文。)

Pierson, Christopher (2006): Beyond the Welfare State? The New Political Economy of Welfare, London: Polity Press. (本校圖書館有藏書)

Pierson, Christopher/Castles Francis G.(eds.)(2006): The Welfare State Reader, Cambridge: Polity Press (本校圖書館有藏書)

Pierson, P. (1996), ‘The New Politics of the Welfare State’, World Politics, 48 (2), pp. 143-. 179

Pierson, Paul (ed.)(2001): The New Politics of the Welfare State, Oxford: University Press.(本校圖書館有藏書,電子書可下載全文)

Starke, Peter (2006): The Politics of Welfare State Retrenchment: A Literature Review,. Social Policy & Administration 40:1, pp.104-120 (可從本校圖書館電子期刊中取得全文。)
成績評量方式 一、三次考試,每次占30%,考試分數合計90%。
二、 平時成績10%(基本分8分,缺席與遲到或早退次數合計不超過三節,不扣分,超過三節次以上者,凡缺課/遲到/早退,每節扣0.5分,全勤、考試成績超過80分者,另行加分)。
Grading 1. three examinations (90%)
2. attandance (10%)
教學內容 對多數初次接觸「社會政策與立法」的社會工作系學生而言,大都處於十里霧中、不知所錯的情境。因為對他們而言,社會政策與立法並無關呼社會福利服務的輸送,但事實上,社會政策與立法將形塑福利服務的供給與輸送概況,大至服務輸送體系的建構,小至個案工作的實施,皆與社會政策與立法有關,而且應該說社會政策與立法將決定社會服務的供輸現況與趨勢。然而,何謂社會政策與立法?它談論些什麼東西?又包含那些內容?所謂的「社會政策」是為解決或預防社會問題,以維持社會秩序並謀求人們福利,所確立的基本原則或方針。也就是說。社會政策是社會計畫最重要的一環,但是其原則或方針卻必須透過「社會立法與社會行政措施」才能實現。大體而言,社會政策的範圍(分類)包括社會安全政策、健康照顧政策、福利服務或個人的社會服務、住宅政策、教育政策、就業或勞動市場政策、環境保護政策等,上述前三者通常被稱為「社會福利政策(social welfare policy)」的三個核心。此外,另外四個政策也常被認為是社會政策的範圍,特別是環境保護政策可說是社會政策新興的議題。簡而言之,「社會問題」必須制訂「社會政策」加以解決,而社會政策又須經由「社會立法」過程,以取得「施政(社會行政)」的合法性,並藉由社會工作人員的「專業作為(competence)」實踐其政策目標。所以社會政策的重要性在於它是:



9月16日 課程介紹
9月23日 西方社會福利的發展
9月30日 社會福利的價值
10月7日 社會福利的意識型態(一)
10月14日 社會政策與意識型態(二)
10月21日 社會福利的類型(一)
10月28日 類型(二):東亞福利體制
11月4日 第一次考試、社會安全基本概念
11月11日 台灣社會保險制度 (一)
11月18日 台灣社會保險與津貼制度
11月25日 台灣的社會救助制度與貧窮議題、福利發展理論
12月2日 社會福利發展理論
12月9日 第二次考試、福利服務概論、
12月16日 兒童與青少年、婦女、新移民福利服務
12月23日 老人福利服務、
12月30日 身心障礙者權益保障、原住民福利
1月6日 勞動政策與立法、總結
1月13日 期末考
Syllabus For most students of the department of Social Work who have just entered the field of social policy, they quickly feel like in Alice at the Queen’s croquet party. This is due to their fragmented knowledge base and difficulty in applying the knowledge. The changing features and hazy boundaries of social policy make it more difficult for students in this discipline. They confront a puzzling and complex landscape. Yet, social policy shapes the forms, contents, and target groups which practitioners work within and with. To a significant degree, both the supply of and the demand for services such as social casework, substance abuse counseling, residential care, case management and community development reflect social policy choices. However, what is social policy? It refers to the process of developing as well as implementing measures to combat social problems in society. In other words, social policies are meant to meet the needs of people in various ways: providing cash benefits to offset poverty; health services to maintain physical and mental well-being; housing services to provide shelter; personal social services to deal with compelling issues of human welfare; education and training to enable people to live independently and participate fully in economic, scientific and cultural life, etc. Therefore, the aims of this course are to provide a general orientation to the field of social policy and to illustrate the interrelatedness of practice and policy analysis. By presenting the basic knowledge of social policy, it is hoped that students will become interested in and comfortable with this field, and recognize the crucial role of policy studies in practice work.