朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Advanced Readings in Business English 進階商用英文閱讀

當期課號 3487 Course Number 3487
授課教師 王宛羚 Instructor WANG,WAN LING
中文課名 進階商用英文閱讀 Course Name Advanced Readings in Business English
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程設計以實際國際企業之英文個案作分析討論研究,以英語口頭報告之方式來進行討論,增強同學以英文作商業管理邏輯思考能力,強調以理論為基礎來思考出自看法與意見,以期在未來工作上作出正確的商業決定。另強調以英語直接溝通商業管理問題之能力,強化同學英語溝通及討論之實力。 Objectives This course is designed to use the real business cases to analyze, to discuss and to organize the managerial knowledge. We try to build up the English environment to think logically and to express correctly. English presentation and free discussion are our instruments. The focus of this class is to establish the learner"s ability of making the correct and the suitable business decisions.
教材 Intelligent Business / pre intermediate / Christine Johnson
ISBN: 0-582-84801-6
Teaching Materials Intelligent Business / pre intermediate / Christine Johnson
ISBN: 0-582-84801-6
成績評量方式 1. 出席率: 20%
2. 課堂參與: 10%
3. 作業: 30%
4. 報告: 40%
Grading 1. Attendance: (20%) You are expected to attend all classes. Your absence each time, including excused absences, will cause certain points deducted from your participation grade. Missing more than FOUR meetings of the class, including excused absences, may lead to your failure in this course.
2. In-Class participation: (10%) You are encouraged to participate actively in class discussion, and make comments or ask questions about concepts or issues. Your grade will be based on your participation in class discussion/activities.
3. Assignments: (30%) The grade will be based on out-of-class assignments you are asked to do from time to time. You need to take responsibility for turning homework exercises in at the right place and time. Assignments should be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date. Late assignment or homework will NOT be accepted. The written work you submit must be typed. Please make sure that you always keep an extra copy of your work to guard against loss.
4. Presentation: (40%) You are expected to give in-class oral presentations on certain assigned topic and lead class discussions. Further details will be provided later.
教學內容 9/18 課程大綱介紹
9/25 個案: Playing the game ; Data
10/2 個案:Etiquette (Group 1) ; Image (Group 2)
10/9 個案:Success (Group 3) ; Future (Group 4)
10/16 個案:Location (Group 5) ; Job-seeking (Group 6)
10/23 個案:Motivation
10/30 個案:Selling (Group 7) ; Price (Group 8)
11/6 個案:Insurance (Group 9) ; Service (Group 10) / Mid-term
11/13 個案:A movie relevant to the course
11/20 個案:Fitzburg Tire Company
11/27 個案:Wilson Chemicals (Ghana)
12/4 個案:Millars Bank Ltd.
12/11 個案:Leclerc Machines de Cuisine
12/18 個案:Tanaka Komuten Company
12/25 個案:Productivity
1/8/2009 個案:Creativity
1/15/2009 個案:Final-term Exam
Syllabus 9/18 Introduction to the course
9/25 Playing the game ; Data
10/2 Etiquette (Group 1) ; Image (Group 2)
10/9 Success (Group 3) ; Future (Group 4)
10/16 Location (Group 5) ; Job-seeking (Group 6)
10/23 Motivation
10/30 Selling (Group 7) ; Price (Group 8)
11/6 Insurance (Group 9) ; Service (Group 10) / Mid-term
11/13 A movie relevant to the course
11/20 Fitzburg Tire Company
11/27 Wilson Chemicals (Ghana)
12/4 Millars Bank Ltd.
12/11 Leclerc Machines de Cuisine
12/18 Tanaka Komuten Company
12/25 Productivity
1/8/2009 Creativity
1/15/2009 Final-term Exam