朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Translation 翻譯導論

當期課號 3475 Course Number 3475
授課教師 李延熹 Instructor LEE,YAN SHEI
中文課名 翻譯導論 Course Name Introduction to Translation
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程為必修課,以中英文筆譯之基礎理論與實務為課程內容之主要架構。學習目標重點著重筆譯所具備的基本條件,培養學生英譯中在語法、語意、語用上的轉換能力。使學生在中英文筆譯之認知與未來從事實際之中英文筆譯上奠定良好的基礎,能夠在語法、語意、語用上從事有關新聞英文、觀光英文、商業英文、簡單法律證明文件等之翻譯。 Objectives This course is aimed at systematically introducing to students the basic principles of translation, the challenges, problems and satisfaction involved in rendering written texts and oral statements from one language into another without losing the basic ideas, intent and stylistic level, and linguistic register. The topics include illustrations and discussion of a variety of short modern texts in the fields of political/social science, economics, legal studies, literature, and journalism.
教材 1. Topic by Topic Dictionary for Active Learning. by Stephen Curtis
2. Seeker by Jack McDevitt
3. 探尋者
4. The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult
5. 第十層地獄
Teaching Materials 1. Topic by Topic Dictionary for Active Learning. by Stephen Curtis
2. Seeker by Jack McDevitt
3. 探尋者
4. The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult
5. 第十層地獄
成績評量方式 期中考 35%
期末考 35%
出席與課堂表現 30%
Grading midterm: 35%
final: 35%
attendance and report: 30%
教學內容 1. 本學期翻譯課程著重實務與背誦兩方面
2. 同學必須背誦主題字典來增強英文翻譯實力
3. 期中考前看完Seeker 與其中文翻譯版本並找出翻譯錯誤與可改進的地方 當然中英文都要熟練
4. 期末考前看完The Tenth Circle 與其中文版本
5. 上課須報告每週的收穫
Syllabus Students are supposed to memorize a dictionary of diversified topics and read two English novels and their Chinese editions. During this semester, they have to find translation problems found in Chinese editions and discuss how to be a good translator.