朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Product Photography 產品攝影

當期課號 3347 Course Number 3347
授課教師 林育陞 Instructor LIN,YU SHENG
中文課名 產品攝影 Course Name Product Photography
開課單位 工業設計系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 攝影的本質在於光、影、構圖的掌握,好的攝影作品實屬難得,但卻歷久彌新;尤其現代數位攝影器材全面普及的態勢下,攝影並非仰賴著新穎、高檔又昂貴的器材設備,攝影好壞則是取決於攝影者的美感素養。教學目標如下:
Objectives The essence of photography is the mastery of light, shadow, and the composition. An excellent piece is rare but will last forever. The value of photography depends on esthetics of the photographer, not on the novel, high-level and expensive equipment.
It becomes more and more important to be aware of the essential spirit of the photography, especially in this modern age that digital photography equipment is all around us.
The teaching objectives are as follows:
1. To mastery the essence of photography-the light, shadow, and composition.
2. The understanding of the using of film studio, equipment and other materials for photography.
3. The learning of the composition, lighting, scenery, and material for commercial photography.
4. The cognition of the value of photography-The esthetics of the photographer.
5. The notice of the value / esthetic renderings for the piece.
6. The capacity of Photo Retoucher, the poster design, and layout of both photography & digital photography.
教材 1.《攝影美學七問》/阮義忠 著/攝影家出版社
2.《商品攝影的打光、構圖與後製編修技巧》/PLTHINK 著,博碩文化 譯/博碩文化
Teaching Materials 1. "Photographic Esthetics Seven Ask"/the Ruan Yizhong/photographer publishing house
2. "Commodity Photography's Antiquing, Composition And Latter System Edit Skill" /PLTHINK, the abundant large culture translates/the abundant large culture
成績評量方式 各主題作業之成績80% / 平時成績20%。 Grading Various subjects result of work 80%/usually result 20%
教學內容 1.攝影原理
Syllabus 1. Photographic principle
2. Light, the shade relations and interact
3. Composition and the picture build
4. Commodity camera work
5. After the phantom, makes