朝陽科技大學 098學年度第1學期教學大綱
Fundamentals of Integrated e-Manufacturing and e-Business_Syllabus 製商整合概論

當期課號 3324 Course Number 3324
授課教師 劉建勛 Instructor Liu,Chien Hsun
中文課名 製商整合概論 Course Name Fundamentals of Integrated e-Manufacturing and e-Business_Syllabus
開課單位 產學攜手計畫專班工業工程管理系(四產)二B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 在課堂中藉由理論與產業實際案例的闡述,強調企業電子化的新趨勢;製造與商務整合;的重要性。課程將涵蓋研發與設計、製造與生產、行銷、與管理等企業經營重點機能的描述,並進一步延伸到產品資料管理(PDM)、企業資源規劃(ERP)、供應鏈管理(SCM)、以及客戶關係管理(CRM)等企業電子化的主題。 Objectives Focus on the newest trend of e-business; integration of manufacturing and commerce; by combining theories and practical examples in the lectures. Class will include the important business-running issues of research and development, manufacturing, sales, and management, and lead to the PDM, ERP, SCM and CRM issues.
教材 製商整合原理》ISBN:9576095565│華泰出版社│林君維 Teaching Materials Fundamentals of Integrated e-Manufacturing and e-Business_Syllabus
成績評量方式 平時成績15%、期中考25%、期末考30%、學期報告30% Grading Overall presentation 15%, Midterm25%, Final exam 30%, Term project 30%
教學內容 運籌管理是全球供應鏈中,貫穿商流、資訊流、金流、製造資源流、環境流、以及設計流之最重要的實體管理技術之一,一般而言又通稱為物流管理。運籌管理在各個產業中,亦由傳統的運輸配送角色,擴充至整合設計、製造、行銷、售後服務、與回收再製等關鍵性功能。 Syllabus Recently, based on the fast evolution of networked information system, manufacturing engineering has already been improved to a fully monitored and controlled automatic production mechanism. Although the key application techniques might be different according to product categories, many of the issues; such as the broad usage of computer-aided tools, the rapid development of new materials, the invention of ultra-precision manufacturing processes, and the application of high-synergy production systems which combined the theories of artificial intelligence and systematic programming; are in fact common to most industries. All of the manpower-reduction manufacturing techniques developed in the 20th century have become the necessary tools for industries to compete and grow in the new century.